Sunday, November 22, 2009

Is Gold Set To Hit $1,200 Within 24 Hours?

Is Gold Set To Hit $1,200 Within 24 Hours?: "

Early spot gold action indicates something is afoot in the gold market. Hitting an absolute record of $1,164 mere minutes ago, the momentum chasing algo funds are now in the picture, set to do to gold what they have been doing to the S&P futures and the SPY day after day for months now: if little volume will cause a move, look for the momentum chasers to crawl out of the woodwork. Yet the key factor determining today's gold price: Comex gold option expiration later today. Over the past several weeks, speculators have accumulated a 3 million ounce option position with a $1,200 strike. With gold flying on the tiniest gust of speculative mania, the possibility that we may see a 1,200 handle on gold seems less and less improbable.

This has HUGE implications for e-waste recovery. There is more gold in 1 ton of e-waste than 7 tons of gold ore. Let the price continue to rise!


  1. Tomas:

    Perhaps I haven't been reading your blog as closely as I should but could you elaborate or point me in the direction to support this "1 ton of ewaste to 7 tons of gold ore" comment? I am fascinated by it but am unfamiliar with specifics/connection.


  2. Let me look for that article, but in the meantime check out this one., seems like the other one was off by a few factors. Either direction it is an impressive figure.
